Water Retail

Bringing our extensive network and retail knowledge from the energy sector, we have been a trusted supplier to the water sector for many years and are here to help as metering and other industry changes occur.

Water Market Interaction

We are firm believers in optimising the efficiency of industry processes. Drawing from our experience, we've developed an industry interaction framework designed to seamlessly meet industry requirements while offering inherent flexibility to adapt to the evolving changes in water networks and their supporting systems.

Manage Data Flows

Since retail competition was introduced in 2017 for non-household customers in England, businesses, charities, and public sector organisations have been free to choose their water and wastewater retailer. Our software helps to manage the flow of data between water companies to facilitate the operation of the market.

Manage Meter Data

Water companies require a meter data management system (MDMS) to effectively manage the data collected from water meters. MDMS facilitates the collection of data from water meters, whether they are traditional mechanical meters or newer smart meters. This data includes water consumption readings, which are essential for billing customers accurately and understanding usage patterns.

Analytics & Reporting

The ability to analyse data across all the components in the market interaction and metering environments is a key capability for any water company. Deeper insights can reveal new ways to improve customer service, reduce operational costs and protect margins. Our analytics and reporting platform is a standalone solution that works harmony with our own market interaction solution but can also be integrated with any other data flow management system to transform how you access and understand your data.

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