Energy Networks

Supporting our clients as they innovate in the management, maintenance, and operation of their energy networks.

The Future of the Grid and Energy Markets

The top-down energy network that has existed since the creation of networks is changing. Regulators, network operators and industry experts all agree that the current structure is unsustainable with future demands on the network. Flui Technologies creates innovative solutions to counter the challenges of this changing marketplace.

Energy Optimisation

Flui is at the forefront of the evolving energy market, offering solutions for the transition to Distribution System Operator (DSO); we have developed a versatile, tailored, and intelligent energy management solution that integrates demand forecasting, constraint identification, power flow integration, and access to flexibility markets.
Leveraging our past involvement in innovation projects and strong connections with both energy suppliers and distribution network operators, we've developed resilient platforms for market interaction, meter data management, and flexibility services. This positions us ideally to offer a leading solution in the market.

Market Interaction

We are firm believers in optimising the efficiency of industry processes. Drawing from our experience, we've developed an industry interaction framework designed to seamlessly meet industry requirements while offering inherent flexibility to adapt to the evolving changes in energy networks and their supporting systems.

Manage Data Flows

There are thousands of messages coming into and out of your organisation on a daily basis. Managing the flow of that information can be challenging, especially when it’s going to multiple places and has the potential to cause issues at a later stage. Our approach to dataflow management is simple - we want to protect our client’s core systems from rogue or invalid data. We do that by stopping and validating messages as soon as they enter your business and then providing visibility and control of their journey throughout the organisation. By doing things in this way, it’s easier for business teams to manage exceptions, saving time and ultimately money. Our solution is responsible for managing ‘traditional’ industry file transfers between shipper/supplier and other industry participants by interfacing with the DTN/IX industry gateways or e-mail to send/receive files.

Meter Data Management

One of the impacts of smart metering is the dramatic increase in data available to an Energy Network operator. Our MDM solution provides an enduring repository of all smart metering related assets and events required by a DNO, and provides standard interfaces which allow other systems to make use of this data as and when required.

Analytics & Reporting

The ability to analyse data across all the components in the market interaction environment is a key capability for a DNO and critical in ensuring exceptions and problems can be identified and resolved in a timely manner. Deeper insight can reveal new ways to improve customer service, reduce operational costs and protect margins.
Our analytics and reporting platform is a standalone solution that works harmony with our own market interaction solution but can also be integrated with any other data flow management system to transform how you access and understand your data.

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we can do for you

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