
Experts in the Utilities Industry, covering Electricity, Gas and Water.

Flui Technologies are experts within the Utilities Industry, covering Electricity, Gas and Water. We know how to help businesses navigate complex subject matters.  We have extensive experience in delivering challenging, large scale, utility projects, and our established relationships bring value to our clients at all stages of a project’s lifecycle.
What makes us stand out from the crowd is our Utilities Sector knowledge, covering traditional industry and Smart processes. We have thorough end-to-end business process knowledge across multiple functional areas such as Change of Supply (including Faster Switching), Billing, Meter Reading, Asset Management, and Data Update process areas. Our software product investment allows us to be in the best position to assist utility businesses moving forward with the challenging transition to greener, cleaner and cheaper energy, including major industry change such as the MHHS Programme for the UK Electricity Industry.

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