The impact of MHHS for B2B

For B2B energy suppliers, the new MHHS settlement objectives are not dramatically different on the surface.

For B2B energy suppliers, the new MHHS settlement objectives are not dramatically different on the surface.  Half-hourly data is not unusual for B2B, in fact it’s business as usual.  Yes, there is a move to “near real time” which means settlement can occur faster than ever before, but you might expect most of the change to be B2C based.  However, it’s not just about speed.

Underpinning the new MHHS arrangements is a complete redesign of B2B data collection and settlement processes.  And process changes are difficult.  They impact systems and formats across the broad spectrum of tooling used in a modern energy supplier.  And not just in the headline systems, they could impact many of the side-systems and reporting suites that energy retailers rely on daily.

With the structural change of message types, formats, processes, and timeliness (DTN to DIP) while maintaining legacy and new formats, many internal and external systems will be impacted, particularly when you consider unmetered supplies and other current non-half-hourly supplies.  And so too will the integration that joins the internal systems to the outside world.

Our products in Flui have been designed to be flexible for both data formats and industry processes. We learnt this the hard way in the early days of “market opening” where process and data changes were not unusual. And we have brought those lessons into our design process to ensure the software we deliver is change ready.  This flexibility to change process and data greatly reduces the integration and implementation risk for our clients we move forward together on our MHHS journey.

This is what we do here at Flui. We provide the most flexible enabling software for energy retailers to do their business, and we always have.

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